Researchers April 5, 2021
Are Hybrid Events the New Normal for Academic Conferences?

The entire academic landscape has been predicated on the knowledge that the foundation of science is stable and relatively unchanging. But the Digital Era came in and shook that premise upside down, with the field of science morphing into something that has shown us the only thing certain is uncertainty itself.

With the post-COVID-19 world making virtual technology not only popular but preferred by most people, the old way of doing things has become obsolete. Now, things like hybrid conferences and lectures are the typical format. In these meetings, both in-person and virtual technology combine to create an informational gathering that focuses on safety first. While the conferences have some bugs to work out, a good planner is able to put together a hybrid event that handles academics in this post-pandemic world in a way that benefits everyone involved.

What are Hybrid Meetings?

A common aspect of academia is the need to attend conferences for continuing education purposes, networking, and information gathering. These meetings are the go-to place for knowledge dissemination and socialization amongst peers. But since the pandemic of COVID-19, conferences were halted, as were the majority of interactions around the world. The need for continued research and further education never stops, though, and slowly, virtual meetings through Zoom and other technological programs became the norm.

However, there is a need for the physical presence component, too, which brought up the idea of a hybrid meeting. In these conferences, there would be a socially distanced opportunity for people to attend in-person but also allow for virtual attendees who preferred not to risk their health through exposure to COVID-19 or other germs, or simply prefer the digital method of learning. Technology combined with physical presence equals a hybrid meeting of proportions never seen before.

The Benefits of Going Hybrid

More than anything, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that safety is not something we can take for granted. Every industry, regardless of how rich or poor, and every race, denomination, gender, or other demographic was impacted by this virus. Moving to virtual conferences made safety a predominant factor in meetings, but lacked the personalization necessary for true socialization to occur.

Hybrid meetings allow for the safety component by keeping with social distancing guidelines and also establishes a protocol in which those who are concerned for their health can feel comfortable joining in but still avoid uncomfortable situations.

However, with the mental health concern of isolation, a hybrid conference is the perfect opportunity for those who need the socialization component to be able to flourish. When everyone is responsible for their own safety choices and knowledge is able to be shared in an interconnected way, it’s a win/win situation.

Dealing With Logistical Challenges to a Successful Hybrid Conference

While the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks to hybrid conferences, there are some logistical components that must be accounted for by anyone who is putting together one of these meetings. For one thing, the speakers must realize and tailor their approach to meet the needs of in-person and virtual audiences. Both of these are different styles that have to be incorporated at the same time. Training has begun being regularly implemented for speakers of hybrid events so that they can learn how to adopt body language, voice modulation, and other modes of expression to approach virtual and in-person learners simultaneously.

In addition to the speakers’ adjustments, hybrid meetings require different types of staff. Someone must be present to attend to the in-person necessities, and then other people are required to handle the virtual components. It’s not just about setting up technology. There has to be a moderator for the chats so that anyone attending live virtually can be included in the discussions.

It will take some time to work out the bugs and tweak each conference to perfect, but it’s looking like hybrid events are the way of the future.

Staying Connected Through Impactio

Socialization in academia is an important part of growing your audience and networking to make connections. Another strategy to build your network is to invest in the same platforms that other academic scholars use, like Impactio. Impactio’s program is an all-in-one forum in which experts publish and share their work, but it also solidifies you as an academic expert in your field and connects you to a community of scholars around the globe.

With Impaction, you can create your academic profile, publish your work, and gauge its impact. If you met another scholar in your field of interest, you can follow them. Communicate professionally with people in the Impactio community you’d never have met otherwise, and take networking to a whole new level when you use Impactio.

Tags Academic ConferencesMeetingsAcademic Researchers
About the author
Jason Collins- Writer
Jason is a writer for many niche brands with experience “bringing stories to life” for both startups and corporate partners.
Jason Collins
Jason is a writer for many niche brands with experience “bringing stories to life” for both startups and corporate partners.
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