Researchers July 7, 2021
How the Green Economy is Influencing Academic Entrepreneurs

There’s no way to argue that the field of academics, and the world in general, have been significantly impacted by the Digital Era. Whether it was due to the extreme advances in technology or it was bound to happen anyway, this new shift in daily norms has opened the eyes of the general population to the need for a better environment to help protect future generations and their nonrenewable resources. The so-called Green Economy has arisen concurrently with the Digital Era, and it comes with a focus on developing sustainable technology.

However, even with the best, most innovative technology available, without a plan to implement it all, it won’t help in levels massive enough to make a big difference. That’s where academic business majors step in, combining their knowledge of entrepreneurship and successful long-term planning and financial implementation with scientific developments to create economic and green impacts with far-reaching consequences.

What is the Green Economy?

Your perspective of the “Green Economy” may be different than others’, depending on where you live and your political affiliation. However, politics and geography really don’t change the definition of this term and what it stands for.

The Green Economy is any economy that creates and pursues goals of reducing environmental risk or harm to the environment, fixing areas of scarcity in the ecology, and aiming for sustainable development around the world in ways that don’t diminish or deplete the environment.

Because there are different organizations that work towards these aims, it does have the tendency to shift characteristics depending on the geography and politics involved; however, the end goal remains the same. The idea has generated a movement in academics of people switching from business or research specializations and combining them to become “green entrepreneurs.”

Characteristics of Green Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are those who are able to develop innovative processes or offer a product or service that fixes a need in society. An entrepreneur establishes their own brand or mark on an industry through creating a new supply or source of materials and products, shifting how consumers obtain their goals.

To be successful, an entrepreneur must be cognizant of what consumers want, and the trend is quickly shifting towards eco-friendly solutions when it comes to the buying behaviors of global customers. Even though these ecologically friendly products usually come with a higher price tag, people are willing to pay more for the peace of mind of knowing they are doing their part to reduce carbon footprints and make the environment safer for future generations.

This opens the door for green entrepreneurs to come in and cultivate “green,” or environmentally friendly, business. Because so much of today’s research and development is dedicated to sustainable technology, this is a lucrative and vast market. Entrepreneurs typically start with industry background and move out on their own to come up with unique ideas of how to help consumers fill a need by offering a green product or service and backing them up with practices that support the green mission.

Academic entrepreneurs are enticed by the ability to both make good money and help solve a major global problem by addressing environmental or social needs with their entrepreneurial approaches. They turn conventional ideas and products into something similar, but green. Their overall goal is to serve the customer while simultaneously making them and others aware of the need to fix the ecosystem. In general, a green academic entrepreneur combines innovative ideas, the willingness to take a risk with a new business idea, and the understanding of social and ecological needs with the knowledgeable approach gained from their education and background.

The role of an academic entrepreneur in the green industry is necessary, and those who can be successful in this field often claim a better quality of life satisfaction.

Using Impactio to Build Your Reputation

Becoming a green entrepreneur is a smart way to use your academic background and increase the overall quality of the environment. The better your reputation is as you go along, the more likely you’ll make a bigger impact. Because of this, the programs you use, like your publication and social media platforms, are integral tools, also! Impactio’s research program not only lets you create professional finished products, but it offers you access to a community of experts that can share your cause and help you boost your reputation.

Impactio is more than a platform that you use to put together your academic papers. It’s an invaluable resource that gives you connections with an entire community of your peers and other scholars around the world. These experts want to network with others, so when you use your academic profile on Impactio, you maximize your networking community and increase your green idea’s impact.

Tags Academic EntrepreneursEconomy
About the author
Jason Collins- Writer
Jason is a writer for many niche brands with experience “bringing stories to life” for both startups and corporate partners.
Jason Collins
Jason is a writer for many niche brands with experience “bringing stories to life” for both startups and corporate partners.
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