Researchers June 9, 2022
How To Go About Getting a Job Recommendation From a Supervisor in Higher Ed

Asking for a job recommendation is something that has to be done cautiously. To you, it might not be a big deal. You know that you’ve worked with or under someone, or they know you well, and it makes sense that they are the person who could provide you with a letter describing your professionalism. On the other hand, there’s a lot more involved with their role.

If they accept this responsibility, it’s up to them to craft a letter that showcases you in the light in which they saw you. Some people aren’t amenable to this, particularly supervisors, as your actions will reflect on them once you're hired. However, if you know you were a good employee, having your supervisor’s recommendation is valuable. Here are some tips to help cement their agreement to write you a recommendation letter.

Why Your Supervisor’s Letter is Worth More Than Gold

No one sees your work ethic and style more clearly in an academic setting than your supervisor. They’re the person tasked with handling your reviews, observations, challenges, concerns, and complaints. It’s their job to be neutral yet encouraging, helping you to succeed, but not so far on your side that they ignore any problems.

Because of this unique position, hiring managers appreciate the input given to them by supervisors and department chairs. Getting your supervisor to write you a letter of recommendation can do wonders for your application. The vital thing is to be confident that the letter they’ll provide is a positive one, not one that would be detrimental. If it’s glowing, it’s worth more than gold for your career.

How to Approach Someone for a Letter of Recommendation

Keep in mind that a supervisor is a busy person, and in the field of education, they’re typically already juggling more tasks than they can feasibly commit to in their work hours. By asking them to write you a letter of recommendation, you’re adding more to their plate. If it’s truly crucial that you have their recommendation, follow these tips to approach them and make the request more palatable:

●      Send the request in an email to avoid catching the other person when they’re busy or distracted. This also helps you to think about your wording before you hit send.

●      Attach relevant information that would be helpful. It may have been some time since you worked with this person, and while your time with them is clearly imprinted in your mind, they could have forgotten some essential details. Let them know in the email that you’re attaching your resume for them to review, as well as the cover letter that you’re sending with the application.

●      Include your social media and professional platform details. If you have information available for others to see online, your supervisor may want to view it. This will help them form a better picture of you, and it will show them what hiring managers may see. If they view something on your sites that they don’t approve of, they may deny your request for a recommendation.

●      Give a short summary of the duties you performed while you were working with that person and any accomplishments you achieved. They may need these helpful reminders to be specific with their recommendation.

●      Close with the job posting that you’re applying for. The information may help your supervisor know what to include and what’s unnecessary.

Always be polite and thank them for their time. Let them know that if they can’t write the letter, they should please respond with that answer so that you can find someone else.

Include Your Impactio Portfolio in Your Application

One final important detail when it comes to approaching your supervisor for a job recommendation letter is to include your Impactio profile. Social media and professional platforms give a basic overview of you as a person, but your Impactio portfolio includes everything attached to your scholarly reputation. It’s a game-changer in the world of research and academics, and it’s definitely something anyone writing a letter of recommendation would want to review first.

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Impactio Team
Impactio is America's leading platform of academic impact analytics and reputation management designed for scientists and researchers. Impactio catalyzes global scientific and technological advancement by developing various innovative cloud-based software and services to make scientific communication more effective, ultimately helping scientists and researchers be more productive and successful.
Impactio Team
Impactio is America's leading platform of academic impact analytics and reputation management designed for scientists and researchers. Impactio catalyzes global scientific and technological advancement by developing various innovative cloud-based software and services to make scientific communication more effective, ultimately helping scientists and researchers be more productive and successful.
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