Researchers August 10, 2020
Using Video Teaching To Promote More Successful Student Learning Outcomes
Source: Unsplash

Instructors have used a variety of strategies, methods, and tools to impart knowledge to their students over the centuries. Today’s teachers frequently use visual learning in the form of videos to enhance their instruction. Begun in the era of World War II, videos have come a long way from the black and white films of history.

Now, access to technology on a global level makes it simple, and even expected, for teachers to use podcasts, tutorials, webinars, animations, and other electronic mediums as part of their lesson planning. Analysis of results have shown that when these tools are used strategically, it can promote more successful student learning outcomes.

The Controversy Behind Using Videos as Instruction

Although videos are frequently accepted as a part of instruction, they are widely contested against being the focal point of a lesson. Controversial debates have occurred in the field of education for decades as administrations and teachers have attempted to come to an understanding as to exactly how much of this visual medium was too much.

Proponents of video learning know that it’s a powerful way for many types of learners to engage and absorb information. There are multiple different learning styles, and many people are visual and auditory. Videos include both of these styles in one.

Additionally, videos today are easy to access in schools and universities where technology is at least average. Almost every school around the world has internet access in some form, as well as the ability to use a portable technology to show the video as part of the lesson. Not long ago, video lessons required a cumbersome process of requesting the equipment in advance, having it rolled into the room and set up by an expert, and then turning it all back in, even if the video portion of a lesson wasn’t quite completed on the expected timeline. This complicated system is no longer necessary, making it much easier for teachers to use videos on their own schedule.

But there are opponents who feel that using videos is a way for unmotivated teachers to take the lazy way out of instructing their classes. While this does happen occasionally, for the most part, videos are used in small snippets of instructional time to enhance an idea, not to teach the entire objective.

However, another argument is the individualistic aspect of videos, meaning everyone who sees them interprets their meaning and information differently. This problem must be addressed by instructors to ensure that the key points were gathered and understood by every student, through careful questioning and further exploration of the topic.

The Impact of Video and Promoting Successful Outcomes

Both proponents and opponents of video learning have important points in the debate, but studies consistently show that usage of video in lessons can promote more successful learning outcomes. The results of this are demonstrated in evidence such as:

●      Video engages students more because of the “different” environment; the instructor changes from the one they are used to, into an unknown on the screen.

●      Video learning improves the motivation of students to learn a topic, changes their attitudes about the lesson, and increases their confidence in approaching a new idea

●      The participation of a lesson increases when videos are included.

●      Multiple forms of imparting knowledge have always been recommended, and multimedia use of videos is part of this framework of disseminating information in the different learning styles.

●      Short, succinct, powerful videos can be used as reinforcement of or introduction to a concept.

●      The use of graphics and visuals can make a difference in how the student’s brain connects what they are seeing and hearing to the background knowledge they already have.

All of these impactful results show that when instructors use strategic video teaching as part of their strategies, they are not being lazy or unmotivated - they are actually helping to promote more successful learning outcomes for their students.

Continuing to Show Professionalism by Using Impactio

Your lesson plans are one way that your scholarly reputation can be built. They showcase your professionalism and how you use strategies like video mediums to stay abreast of technology and use the best forms of instruction to meet and exceed academic goals.

Another way your reputation is built is based on your publication of research, but when you’re a teacher, you don’t have a lot of extra time to deal with juggling multiple programs to publish your work. Luckily, with Impactio, you don’t have to.

Impactio was designed for busy experts like you to take you from start to finish to get your research accomplishments published. When you’re ready to compile your work, Impactio’s premade templates are easy to drag and drop your text into sections and subsections. Turn your data into charts, graphs, and tables, and complete your finished work as a PDF document or web page. When you use Impactio, your professionalism and scholarly reputation are boosted.

Tags Video TeachingLearning
About the author
Jason Collins- Writer
Jason is a writer for many niche brands with experience “bringing stories to life” for both startups and corporate partners.
Jason Collins
Jason is a writer for many niche brands with experience “bringing stories to life” for both startups and corporate partners.
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